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18 Feb 2025Welcome to NSW Primary Principals' Association
Who is the NSWPPA?
The NSW Primary Principals’ Association is:
- A professional association representing 1800 government primary schools, SSPs, EECs, Central and Hospital school principals across NSW
- Governed by a State Council that is held termly to determine our policy, directions and to collaborate with Senior DoE staff, the Ministry and peak bodies
- Led by an Executive team, supported by Reference Groups/ Standing Committees & Working Parties who develop & research positions to inform our directions and aspire to work in collaboration with DoE and other stakeholders
- Organised geographically throughout NSW into 43 local Area Primary Principal Councils (PPC).
Our leadership is evidenced by:
- Providing a voice for primary principals to influence policy & direction of the Ministry & Department of Education
- Providing & support evidence informed & current professional learning to develop leadership capacity
- Deliver support for principal wellbeing
- Communicate, collaborate, critically reflect & consult with other peak stakeholder bodies to ensure we achieve priorities
The action we take
Leadership – Our Leadership Standing committee offers capacity building Professional Learning throughout the state. Currently they offer the Art of Leadership, Art of Leadership Master Class, and Principal Credential based on AITSL’s Principal Standard. We are also involved in:
- DoE’s Leadership initiative including the School Leadership Institute
- Leadership & High Performance Directorate’s work around capacity building, leadership modules, Principal Induction
- A range of other opportunities including Seven Habits and Leading at the Speed of Trust
Support – The Principal Support Reference Group provides broad support, and is supplemented by:
- A triage system where the on-call Professional Officers, chair of Principal Support RG, chair of Legal Issues WP and President determine who best can mediate between principal and DoE senior officers
- PPC structures where a designated Deputy President/ Welfare officer can provide local support
- Budgeted 100 relief days designated for support when needed. Accessed via chair of the Principal Support RG/ President
- Principal School Leadership (PSL) who can provide shoulder to shoulder support
- Co-ordinating Well-Being programs including the “Flourish” project
Advocate – we have a variety of methods & situations to advocate for our members:
- Executive meet formally with the Minister, Secretary & CEO of NESA each Term
- The Minister & Secretary present & respond to questions at each State Council meeting
- Deputy Secretaries meet each Term with the Executive and often present & answer questions at State Council
- Executive Directors and Directors attend relevant Reference Group/ Standing committee & Working Party meetings to present & respond to issues raised.
- PPCs submit issues and are followed up by the responsible Deputy President.
- Informal meetings with Senior Officers/ Ministry staff are held between the President/ Deputy Presidents as needed
- Executive meet regularly face to face and via video conferencing.
Empower – we ensure every voice of the membership is heard to inform our decision making. This is achieved through:
- 43 Area Councils – consultation, two-way communication, the raising of local issues and sharing
- Membership & designated contacts in Reference Groups, Standing Committees and Working Parties
- Identification and sharing of ‘hot spots’ of innovation and expertise
- A model of systemic and succinct communication to all members through integrated SchoolZine communication including: NSWPPA website, SZapp smartphone app, What’s Hot newsletter and current reports from Reference Groups, Standing Committees and Working Parties.
Why become a member of the PPA?
The NSWPPA comprises some 1800 principals in primary schools, School for Specific Purposes (SSPs), Environmental Education Centres (EEC), Central and Hospital school principals across NSW. In joining the Association, you will become a part of a collegial network of leading, learning & support. The strength of the Association is the voice of all members being represented through their local Area Councils where contextual issues can be raised, solved or escalated to the appropriate contacts. The development of close relationships with colleague principals strengthens well-being and collaboration.
How do I become a PPA member?
Follow this link to download the Salary Deduction form and submit it to admin@nswppa.org.au and the Department of Education email address provided on the form
If you are a relieving principal please email NSWPPA Treasurer Scott Sanford who will discuss pro-rata payments for the period you are relieving.
If you wish to discuss membership with your local Area Council President, refer to the drop-down menu under ‘Who We Are’ on the home page of the website.
What can I find on this website?
On the website you will find:
About Us – priorities, constitution, history and position papers
What’s Hot Newsletter – archives of previous Newsletter editions
Who We Are – Area council Executives, contacts & members; State Executive contacts: Reference Groups, Standing Committees and Working party membership and Life Members
Calendar – calendar of events
Principal Support – flowchart & application chart
Contact – contact details for the NSWPPA, map and for sponsorship.
Where can I get in contact with other PPA members?
The easiest way to find details on the website is to refer to the drop-down menu under ‘Who We Are’.
Members also have the ability on their dashboard page to locate colleagues via searching by school or by contacts. Use the blue LOGIN tab at the top right of the website menu bar.
I need help with an issue in my school. Are you able to provide guidance?
The Executive of your local Area Council is probably your best first contact. On the website find the tab ‘Who We Are’ to locate your Executive team.
If it is a personal issue you might want to contact the chairperson of our Principal Support Reference Group (details under Principal Support tab).