About Us

What is the NSW PPA?
A professional association for Primary Principals of Public Schools throughout New South Wales with a membership of over 1800 Principals
- opportunities for Principals to have issues and concerns raised and some solutions proposed to these areas of concern;
- professional learning and enrichment for Principals;
- honest, timely and factual advice to DET and the Minister to address needs and concerns of primary schools, SSPs, EECs and hospital schools;
- wellbeing support for all Principals through a range of peer networks at local, regional and state level;
- An avenue for consultation with other peak bodies.
The NSWPPA has been instrumental in shaping a better public school system for primary students in New South Wales.
The NSWPPA (Inc) is a professional Association of Primary Principals. Its prime function is to be the peak advisory body on matters relating to primary education in NSW, to the Secretary of the N.S.W. Department of Education (DoE).
The aims of the Association will be to promote school leadership by:
- assisting in the continuous improvement of education, with particular emphasis on primary education, by creating the means through which the collective wisdom of Primary Principals may be used as an education resource;
- enhancing the standing of the public system of education and the professional standing of Primary Principals in the community;
- fostering the Principalship and the professional development of Primary Principals;
- providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and for the discussion of education, including the management of schools;
- maintaining and improving communications:
- amongst Primary Principals;
- between Primary Principals and the Senior Officers of the NSW Department of Education & Training;
- between Primary Principals and other peak educational organisations;
- formulating positions on current educational issues on behalf of NSW Primary Principals and communicating these positions to the Director General and other bodies as agreed;
- providing and promoting practices which ensure equity for all participants in the NSW public education system;
- enabling Primary Principals to have a major influence in determining educational policy across the NSW public education system, providing support for the professional and welfare needs of Principals.